Sunday 16 December 2012

Persaingan sengit antara APPLE dan SAMSUNG

Perang paten panjang yang berlangsung nyaris dua tahun antara Samsung dan Apple memang sudah usai. Hasil akhirnya pun kita ketahui, dimana Samsung melalui tangan US District Judge Lucy Koh, diganjar ganti rugi US $1.049 milyar yang harus dibayarkan kepada Apple. Memang masih ada injunction hearing yang dijadwalkan 20 September 2012 nanti untuk menentukan nasib smartphone Galaxy yang oleh Apple diajukan namanya sebagai seri yang meniru desain iPhone mereka.
Memang awalnya pada April 2011 lalu Apple mengajukan 28 smartphone dan tablet Galaxy yang dianggap “meniru” konsep desain iPhone dan iPad, namun pasca keputusan juri minggu lalu, mereka menurunkan daftarnya menjadi delapan saja, yang dipercaya masih dijual bebas di Amerika Serikat. Galaxy tersebut antara lain Galaxy S 4G, Galaxy S2 AT&T, Galaxy S2 Skyrocket, Galaxy S2 T-Mobile, Galaxy S2 Epic 4G, Galaxy S Showcase, Droid Charge dan Galaxy Prevail. Note: Diantara mereka semua, penulis menyarankan Skyrocket yang juga banyak dijual secara tidak resmi di Indonesia, karena layarnya yang lebih besar dari Galaxy S II yang beredar di Indonesia.
Berita terbaru pasca keputusan juri tersebut adalah munculnya internal memo dari kedua belah pihak yang berisi tanggapan mereka mengenai hasil keputusan tersebut, ditujukan kepada para karyawannya. Dari Apple sendiri langsung dikirimkan oleh CEO Apple Sendiri, Tim Cook. Menurutnya, Apple berusaha melindungi nilai yang ada pada setiap desain mereka, bukanya mengejar uang atau paten. Dan dia senang dengan keputusan juri yang menyatakan bahwa Samsung memang benar dengan sengaja meniru.
Today was an important day for Apple and for innovators everywhere.
Many of you have been closely following the trial against Samsung in San Jose for the past few weeks. We chose legal action very reluctantly and only after repeatedly asking Samsung to stop copying our work. For us this lawsuit has always been about something much more important than patents or money. It’s about values. We value originality and innovation and pour our lives into making the best products on earth. And we do this to delight our customers, not for competitors to flagrantly copy.
We owe a debt of gratitude to the jury who invested their time in listening to our story. We were thrilled to finally have the opportunity to tell it. The mountain of evidence presented during the trial showed that Samsung’s copying went far deeper than we knew.
The jury has now spoken. We applaud them for finding Samsung’s behavior willful and for sending a loud and clear message that stealing isn’t right.
I am very proud of the work that each of you do.
Today, values have won and I hope the whole world listens.
Sedangkan Samsung menunjuk pada pengadilan di Inggris Raya, Belanda, Jerman dan Korea memberi keputusan yang lebih baik daripada US District Court for the Northern District of California (NDCA), yang kontras dengan keputusan di wilayah lain. Samsung juga menyebutkan jika Apple tidak akan bisa memenangkan hati dan pilihan konsumen dengan cara menyalahgunakan hukum hak paten, yang seharusnya mereka melakukan inovasi. Namun melalui beberapa forum fanbase Apple, saya juga bisa melihat kebanyakan komentar di sana justru menuduh Samsung yang kekurangan inovasi.
[Internal Memo] Regarding the Jury Verdict in California
On Friday, August 24, 2012, the jury verdict in our trial against Apple was announced at the US District Court for the Northern District of California. The following is an internal memo that reflects Samsung’s position regarding the verdict:
We initially proposed to negotiate with Apple instead of going to court, as they had been one of our most important customers. However, Apple pressed on with a lawsuit, and we have had little choice but to counter-sue, so that we can protect our company.
Certainly, we are very disappointed by the verdict at the US District Court for the Northern District of California (NDCA), and it is regrettable that the verdict has caused concern amongst our employees, as well as our loyal customers.
However, the judge’s final ruling remains, along with a number of other procedures. We will continue to do our utmost until our arguments have been accepted.
The NDCA verdict starkly contrasts decisions made by courts in a number of other countries, such as the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, and Korea, which have previously ruled that we did not copy Apple’s designs. These courts also recognized our arguments concerning our standards patents.
History has shown there has yet to be a company that has won the hearts and minds of consumers and achieved continuous growth, when its primary means to competition has been the outright abuse of patent law, not the pursuit of innovation.
We trust that the consumers and the market will side with those who prioritize innovation over litigation, and we will prove this beyond doubt.
Well, internal memo Samsung tidak jauh berbeda dari tanggapan Google, yang muncul beberapa hari pasca keputusan juri. Tetap pada intinya Google selalu berusaha menghindarkan Android dari tuduhan Apple, sehingga publik akan tetap beranggapan masalah paten tersebut hanyalah antara Apple dan Samsung saja.
Berikut pernyataan lengkapnya:
The court of appeals will review both infringement and the validity of the patent claims.
Most of these don’t relate to the core Android operating system, and several are being re-examined by the US Patent Office.
The mobile industry is moving fast and all players — including newcomers — are building upon ideas that have been around for decades. We work with our partners to give consumers innovative and affordable products, and we don’t want anything to limit that.
Sepertinya memang ada banyak cerita, apalagi dengan banyak dugaan “dimana Google” ketika Samsung beberapa kali diserang. Namun tetap saja seperti yang kami tuliskan sebelumnya, Samsung berniat mengajukan banding. Mereka memang tetap kalah dan diharuskan membayar ganti rugi kepada Apple, namun dengan usaha perlawanan baru Samsung ini bisa menjadi pembalikan keadaan, jika bukti yang diajukan tepat. Dan ini juga berarti perang paten bakal masih berlanjut.
Di sisi media akan tetap memandang ini adalah perang antara dua sistem operasi, iOS vs Android… sedangkan di sisi Google ini akan tetap menjadi perang Apple vs Samsung… atau dari sisi Apple, mereka pasti punya agenda tersendiri, karena memang di semua wilayah dimana Galaxy berusaha mereka banned penjualannya, terbukti “mengganggu” penjualan iPhone dan iPad… Sedangkan kita yang ada di Indonesia, jangan kuatir, Galaxy masih tetap identik Android kok, dan Samsung Galaxy S II akan tetap menjadi Droid terfavorit penulis karena value-for-money-nya yang tinggi… hehe!

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